Friday, May 10, 2013

Nothing In New England Is New: The poet’s experiences in New England, America by Rick Lupert

Nothing In New England Is New: The poet’s experiences in New England, America

By Rick Lupert
Ain’t Got No Press
ISBN 978-0-9820584-5-9
198 pages

Review by Tom Miller

Rick – and I call him Rick because it seems appropriate that I do so after reading this book – why you ask? Because even though we have never met, reading this book of poetry makes me feel like a friend has just shared some observations about places and experiences he recently had on a vacation to New England. So anyway, my new friend Rick, whose perception of the world is one or two degrees off in either direction from true north, has managed to capture some essence of the background fabric of places that sometimes take themselves too seriously and jotted them down in a very entertaining way. He even provokes a laugh or two.

The trip starts well:


If you are waiting in the line at Burger King

you are doing the wrong thing.”

“Fondly Assessing the Situation

Oh the airports my luggage has seen.”

In Connecticut:

“Sign of the Apocalypse

I see a stretch limousine parked

at a McDonalds somewhere in Connecticut.

My God they should erase this whole state

and start over. They’re just doing it wrong.”

In Springfield MA:

“A Japanese Corner by

John Haberle, 1898

One artist has painted the words do not touch into his painting

which has saved the museum a bundle on paying a guy to

stand in the room and say that all day.”

In Portsmouth NH:

Excerpt from

“At Colby’s Breakfast and Lunch


Colby’s is slanted

You feel at any moment you

and your breakfast might slide out

the front door onto Daniel Street.”

In Salem:

“The Men’s Bathroom in the

Salem Mall is Not Labeled

That’s how they tell if you are a witch,

if you know to go inside.

P.S. It does smell like witchery inside.

I mean pee s.”

(Having been there, I understand the both the angst of forced choice under pressure and the relief of finding a urinal on the wall thereby validating your selection. Oh, and Rick, in the past couple of days someone took the guess work out temporarily by taping the word “MEN” in blue tape on the proper door. Not sure how long that will endure. Removing said designation on said doors seems to be a sport in Salem.)

In Boston:

“There is a Store Here Called

Grab and Go

They forgot to put and pay in the name.

It’s causing a problem.”

There is more and this book is worth an hour or two’s time soaking up some afternoon rays and suds on the deck and being amused at Rick’s further takes on the locales on his itinerary. He got ‘em pretty right.

Rick has authored fifteen other books and his web site is worth a visit as well. Check ‘em out.

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