
Saturday, January 07, 2023

Red Letter Poem #143

 The Red Letters



In ancient Rome, feast days were indicated on the calendar by red letters.  To my mind, all poetry and art serves as a reminder that every day we wake together beneath the sun is a red-letter day.


                                                                                                          – Steven Ratiner





Red Letter Poem #143





My thinking was that – for this, the first Red Letter of 2023 – what was needed was a bit of delight.  Fortunately, I had just the ticket.


But it would be criminal of me if I said too much about Susan Donnelly’s new poem in advance of your reading – and so, I’ll give this Letter a different look and save the bulk of my commentary until after you’ve enjoyed her piece.  But for readers living far from our locale, let me just say that her poem was triggered by a recent news event that caused quite a stir in staid old Boston: the three-day visit of Britain’s Prince William and Princess Kate in early December. 



Five Different Looks



“The Princess had already stunned

with five different looks.”

­­                                                – The Boston Globe, 12/3/2022



For her first trip to the bathroom

this morning, the poet chooses

a simple pair of Cuddl Duds pj’s,

efficiently donned the evening before.

Then, as the kettle simmers,

she assembles her working outfit:

(vintage L.L. Bean), making it clear

she’s all business, yet loyal

to both nature and Maine.

Her re-use of that CVS

shopping bag—sustainable!—

is also a nod to national chains,

and she wows in the same Talbot’s

puffy coat we’ve seen for years,

showing awareness of inflation.

But look— today she’s added

a brooch at its open collar

thus granting everyone’s need for

a bit of “razzle dazzle.”  It’s true,

she’s one of us, this poet,

who, waving just slightly,

now steps aboard the #77 bus.



––Susan Donnelly



First and foremost, heaven forbid that I might detract from the wry humor of the piece.  But let me hasten to add that Susan plays this poem for far more than laughs – and so I wanted to share a bit about where my thinking was carried.  The Royal Family, of course, always seems to generate a good deal of zealous attention – especially in the wake of shows like The Crown and Harry and Meghan – and our city was abuzz with their spotlit appearances (not to mention the traffic imbroglios caused by their motorcades.)  But Susan used that occasion to reflect, not only on their notoriety, but the very essence of glamour The word first entered the English lexicon from the Scots, and its roots hint at ‘occult knowledge’, the radiance of the fairy realm – a quality, it would seem, nearly every individual thirsts for in our age of social media and self-promotion.  Scroll through the rafts of blog posts friends generate hourly, detailing their ‘exploits’ – or examine the Facebook accounts featuring glorious lunches that just need to be chronicled (complete with rapturous photo-documentation) – and you get the idea that the philosopher’s dictum is being amply demonstrated: esse est percipi – unless we are being seen, we fear we may not exist at all.  And so, as I relished Susan’s poetic account, I couldn’t help but feel myself checking out my own image in the mirror, wondering how my protagonist was doing today in our ongoing movie epic.


Susan, I’m happy to say, has been a frequent Red Letter contributor; she’s the author of six poetry chapbooks and four full-length collections.  The newest is The Maureen Papers and Other Poems (issued by Every Other Thursday Press) whose title sequence was awarded the Samuel Washington Allen Award from the New England Poetry Club.  What I most admire in her work are her portrayals of our everyday existence, presented with such sly clarity, such delicate modulations of our thinking voices, we cannot help but perceive our lives anew and in ways the outer world may never have occasion to notice.




The Red Letters 3.0


* If you would like to receive these poems every Friday in your own in-box – or would like to write in with comments or submissions – send correspondence to:



To learn more about the origins of the Red Letter Project, check out an essay I wrote for Arrowsmith Magazine:


and the Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene


For updates and announcements about Red Letter projects and poetry readings, please follow me on Twitter          



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