
Monday, February 18, 2008

Boston, Fall and Other Poems. B.Z. Niditch

Boston, Fall and Other Poems. B.Z. Niditch (POBOX 187 Farmington, ME 04938) $12.

B.Z. Niditch is one of the most prolific poets in the small press, joined by the likes of A.D. Winans, Lyn Lifshin, Hugh Fox and Ed Galing. The poems in “Boston, Fall and Other Poems,” deal with the environs of Harvard Square, Boston, and the interiors of the poet’s mindscape. Niditch paints a pretty picture of June in his poem about Boston’s famed “Public Gardens.”

“To rest
in front of the sun
planting your steps
by sacks of rose petals
in public gardens,
noon day seems endless
and a friend waits up.

Breathing in
punctuated silence,
a butterfly brushes
against the June wind,
for a deafened half-hour
your arms are sealed
by wheel barrels
of rose tattoos.”

This is a collection that should be of interest to those who have followed Niditch over the years.

Doug Holder/Ibbetson Update/ Feb. 2008/Somerville, Mass.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    That is a pretty poem. I like the part when you said a butterfly brushes against the June wind. Peace
