
Saturday, January 28, 2006

My brother Don, the lighting designer, is at it again. He is doing the lighting for a musical "The Times Thet Are A Changin'," and has worked with the legendary poet/songwriter Bob Dylan. Here are some tidbits about the show,etc...that he sent to me.

The Times They Are  Changin' was conceived, directed and choreographed by Twyla Tharp. Dylan has not been directly involved, although he and his managers initially approached Twyla about creating a show around his catalog of songs. He spent a day with us last week, just prior to the start of public performances, and was really pleased with the production.

I got a chance to meet him, and it was a big thrill...

Here's the official description of the piece:

The Times They Are A-Changin' "is set within a low-rent traveling circus run by Capt. Arab, whose wagon hasn't moved from its location in some time, though not by lack of effort from his ragtag band of clowns and performers," a release states. "One such performer is the animal trainer Cleo , a young woman exploited by Capt. Arab and loved by his son, Coyote . Coyote longs for a world outside the confines of the family business, and as the circus show plays out, he must decide whether to flee or stay, and if he does stay, how to inspire change within the troupe."
Like Movin' Out, there is no text, but this production is in all other ways vastly different.
It's a real reflection of the dark, atmospheric world often evoked in Dylan's songs. Twyla has created a piece that through music and movement (a combination of gymnastics, acrobatics and ballet) tells a real compelling story while providing a very dark commentary on our contemporary culture. The show features an awesome live band, and the approx 30 Dylan songs are performed by the 3 principal performers. It's an incredible evening in the theatre, and audiences are loving it.
Should it continue to go well here in San Diego, there's certainly interest to move the show to Broadway

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