
Thursday, December 01, 2011

Presa 14: Tribute to Hugh Fox

Presa 14
Tribute to Hugh Fox
Presa :S: Press
2011 $8.50

Thirty three writers have given their tribute to the poet/writer Huge Fox. The last verse
of John Marvin's poem, sums it up nicely:

"then splashing in a quiet pool
singing soft songs of silence
treading water toward a center
smooth on its surface
then drifting in a current
growing swifter with depth
grasing waist and ankles
so gentle so caressing
so silent and so swelling
so much swifter and so still
then swifter still"

Hugh Fox was the king of small press and he became known to many of us through Doug Holder
who championed Hugh through out many years of correspondance and friendship. Many of
the writer knew Hugh for many years and some came to know him through his writing and
knew him for a short time. All the writers respect him with a genuine understanding:

"can't hear myself think
over the scream
of your cinnamon thighs

as if
a plugged-in appliance were tossed in a bathtub
between us

we teach each other
how to be born
without parents

taught mine
how to rhyme

first night in our house together
no furniture
every night of our lives

when you are away from me
i am

Mike Spikes

In the rememberance, Ellaraine Lockie, relates, "a week with Hugh Fox..I didn't know which gender
would arrive at the train station." This is a must read if you want an insight into the multi-faceted man:

"Foxy said his preoccupation now that he's in his seventies
is "death and how to get the maximum out of the little time we have
above ground." I can attest that he lived this philosophy for the
week we were together. Every following day resembled the first one
in its serendipitous and often outrageous course."

1 comment:

  1. Daniel Staniforth6:49 PM

    Hugh Fox first posthumous novel, The Dream of the Black Topaze Chamber, now available from Skylight Press. See - and
